Sleepers are incredibly versatile and can be used for a variety of garden and landscaping projects. Here are some popular uses:
Raised Beds: Ideal for creating raised garden beds, which improve drainage and make gardening more accessible.
Retaining Walls: Perfect for building retaining walls to manage soil erosion and create different levels in your garden.
Garden Paths and Steps: Great for constructing rustic garden paths and steps, adding a natural look to your outdoor space.
Borders and Edging: Useful for defining garden borders and edging lawns.
Garden Furniture: Can be used to make sturdy and rustic garden furniture like benches, tables, and seats.
Planters: Excellent for creating large, durable planters for flowers, shrubs, or small trees.
Available in the following sizes:
2.4m 200 x 100mm
2.4m 250 x 125mm
Incised HG4 treated wood.
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