Pest Control Solutions
We stock a range of Mouse, Rat and Mole traps and bait including:
Lodi's Gems: Ruby (Bait Blocks) Sapphire (Grain Bait) and Jade (Grain Bait)
Fresh 'n' tasty Rat & Mouse Big Cheese Traps
Rentokil Ant killer Gel
Rentokil Rat Killer grain bait
Rentokil enclosed mouse trap
Rentokil advanced mouse trap
Rentolkil quick set mouse trap
Little Nipper mouse & rat traps
Eliza Tinsley tunnel and scissor mole traps.
General public users
In order to ensure rodenticides are used as safely as possible by the general public, rodenticide products may be restricted in ways such as:
- the amount of active substance they contain
- where they can be used (for example only within a bait box)
- the maximum pack size that can be sold
Professional users
In order to ensure rodenticides are able to be used as safely as possible by professional users, rodenticide products may be restricted in ways such as:
- the pack size that can be sold
- to whom they can be sold
- the types of treatment programmes that can be used (for example no permanent baiting)
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