Growmore Multi purpose Compost with added John Innes 60L


Our popular Multi purpose compost but with added John Innes. 60L

John Innes refers to the compost type and is not a compost manufacturer. The range of John Innes composts were originally developed in the 1930’s at the John Innes Horticultural Research Institute, named after the 19th century developer and philanthropist, John Innes, who bequeathed his fortune to the improvement of horticulture. John Innes composts are made by a number of different compost brands, and are ideal for long-term plant growth in pots and containers.

John Innes composts weigh much more than other types of potting compost as the key ingredient is loam, or soil, along with peat or peat substitute, sand, and fertilizer. Loam used in compost is usually made of a mix of sand, silt, and clay, and is sterilised to kill weed seeds, pests, and diseases.

The advantage of loam is that it provides a steady supply of nutrients and water, is free draining, with good structure and aeration. This good absorption and release of water and nutrients is sometimes referred to as having a high level of “buffering”.

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