Everbuild Zeromix CFF
Zeromix CFF is a double action frostproofer and air entraining mortar admixture for use throughout the winter period. Improves workability of mortar and increases resistance to frost in both wet and hardened state. Chloride free, can be used with steel reinforced concrete structures.
As an air entraining water reducing admixture and accelerator/frostproofer for brick and block laying mortar, render (internal and external) and concrete. Accelerates setting time during cold periods. Suitable for:
▪ Load bearing brickwork
▪ Block laying
▪ External/Internal rendering
▪ Pointing/repointing brickwork.
▪ Floor screeds
▪ Increased frost resistance during setting
▪ Non - corrosive to embedded metal
▪ Eases tamping down and alignment
▪ Improves workability/trowelability even in cold weather
▪ Provides resistance to freeze/thaw cycling down to - 8°C in both wet and dry mortar
▪ Chloride ion content < 0.1%
▪ Reduces bleeding/segregation
▪ Replaces lime in mix, hence reduces possibility of lime bloom and efflorescence
▪ Reduces shrinkage (cracking and crazing reduced)
▪ Faster finishing times even in cold weather
5 litre
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