At Lester Lowes we have been supplide our galvanised gates, troughs and feeders from Batemans for many years! There's a good reason for this,
In 1979 Melvyn Bateman set about starting an agricultural engineering company to rival the best in the business, in the decades that have followed LM Bateman & Co. Ltd. has become a leading light in the agricultural world not only in the UK but throughout Europe.
Bateman deploys its own fleet of vehicles to deliver our premium products UK wide, we now manufacture a complete range of animal-handling and feeding equipment using prime quality tubular and RHS steel, galvanised to ISO1461.
They supply these products all over the UK and throughout mainland Europe. They are continuously developing new products to keep Bateman at the very forefront of agricultural engineering.
When Bateman started the objective was clear and still remains the same today, provide the agricultural market with a premium product and supply them at a competitive price.
Bateman products are manufactured on site, at our headquarters in Cheddleton, Staffordshire. The site itself is in continuous development with the recent acquisition of 2 new sizeable yards to cater for Bateman’s expansion with a brand new distribution centre also in development.
Bateman is a modern and progressive business we will never stop developing the way we do things and investment in the company is ongoing, this combined with family values makes LM Bateman & Co. Ltd. a true market leader in the Agricultural sector.
Factory Video from LM Bateman on Vimeo.